卒業生の皆様へ 中学 WEBパンフレット 高校 WEBパンフレット


中学生と留学生のコラボでランチメニューを開発しました/Menu made by the collaboration of Junior high school 1st graders and the International students


 今年度、中学1年生の探究の授業では「学校」「福岡」「世界」の課題研究を行ってきました。この1年間の研究のまとめとして、アジア高校生架け橋プロジェクトの留学生に自国の料理についてプレゼンテーションをしてもらい、「スクールランチ」×「福岡の特産品」×「世界の料理」のレシピ作成に取り組みました。色々とアイディアを出し合う中、最終的に「Pav Bhaji(パオ パジ)」というインドのカレーをスクールランチで提供してもらえることになり、福岡県産のトマトと大豆も入ったオリジナルメニューが完成しました。






  This year, the 1st graders of the junior high school researched about some of the issues related to 「School」「Fukuoka」and the「World」. As a conclusion of this one-year research, we asked international students from the Asian High School Bridge Project to give a presentation on their own cuisine, and worked on creating recipes for “school lunch” x “Fukuoka specialties” x “world cuisine”. While exchanging various ideas, they finally came up with an Indian curry called “Pav Bhaji” that was offered during the school lunch. The curry in the menu included tomatoes and soybeans from Fukuoka prefecture.


 On the day of the lunch menu that was offered on March 5, junior high school students and the international students spent lunch time together. The recipe that they devised has become a hit, and everyone seemed to be happy with the dish. The two international students from India spent all their time smiling at the taste of their hometown, saying “It’s delicious!” and “Nostalgic!”, and some of the other students even wanted the recipe for the dish.


 Through this research process, from planning to coming up with the actual meal, students were able to learn actively and broaden their horizons by touching the subject “food” of their hometown Fukuoka and the world.