卒業生の皆様へ 中学 WEBパンフレット 高校 WEBパンフレット




On both the 11th and the 12th of November, three exchange students joined our first-year junior high school students during their English classes. The exchange students were from Malaysia, Brunei, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand. After the international students introduced themselves, we did a Q&A mingle activity where students asked and answered questions, trying to talk to as many people as they could within a set time limit. The exchange students were very popular, and they got asked lots of questions! Everyone seemed to have a good time and the students were active and engaged the whole class. We were also very happy to see everyone working together and helping each other where necessary.

11月11日(月)にマレーシア・ラオス・ブルネイ出身の留学生が、12日(火)にはタイ・マレーシア・カンボジア出身の留学生が、前回に引き続き中1の英語の授業に参加しました。授業の冒頭で自己紹介をした後、クラスメイトと質問をし合うQ&A Mingleをしました。先の授業で慣れたのか、留学生とのペアワークも積極的に行っていました。また、授業が進むにつれ、留学生が中学生の学習をサポートする場面もいくつか見受けられ、お互いにとってよい学びの時間となったようです。