卒業生の皆様へ 中学 WEBパンフレット 高校 WEBパンフレット


高校2年SGコースの海外フィールドワークの様子【1日目】/ Field trip abroad. Day 1






Today, the SG class and home room teachers left Fukuoka for their field work in Malaysia and Singapore. We along with Mori San started for our destination. We were happy to have a nice and calming flight. For some of the students, this is their first time to travel overseas. All of them are excited to be on this trip.

After landing in Singapore, the group went by bus over the Straits of Johor into Malaysia. The immigration passing took a long time but at the end everything was okay.

We then checked into the hotel, and the students all got settled in and tried to get some rest. Today was a long day of travel, and the come week will be very busy. Sunday will begin the field work at Sultan Ibrahim Girls’ School, our Sister School here in Malaysia.

The students are all eagerly anticipating the opportunities to interact with other cultures and to better understand other countries’ perspectives. This field work gives Nakamura’s SGH students a unique chance to expand their global consciousness and mind.